total monthly cost:
monthly cost: €
IBM i release:
Usually you want to use the most current IBM i release if you are developer.
For some applications, an older release might be needed. Please keep in mind:
only V7R3 up to V7R5 is actively supported by IBM and will get PTF updates or help in case of issues!
For test, archive and special development purposes, older releases can be selected. We will help in case of issues in the operating
system on a best effort base
Note: If you need an release older than V7R1 please send us your specific needs
as all setup changes will affect pricing.
Note2: you can select an older release now and later opt to upgrade to a
newer release. Please keep in mind that an upgrade fee of EUR 899 will be settled unless
you select gold services.
CPU core units (€ 220 per 0.05c) dedicated:
Select the CPU ressources assigned to your environment. The assigned amount is the
minimum CPU power which is dedicated to your LPAR. The more CPU power you need all the day,
the more dedicated CPU units is recommended (assignment is capped shared). For small environments it is ok to select 0.05 cores and a dynamic CPU option (see below).
learn more
dynamic CPU power option (uncap):
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Even with a low amount of dedicated CPU core (see above; example 0.05c),
your applications can access CPU power up to one full core by using a shared CPU pool.
This will share a full CPU core with other users environments on a fair-use base and there is
no guarantee that you always can get up to one full core!
You can select between "low" and "high" priority which controls the dynamic CPU assignment compared to other users environment.
This option is recommended if you use IBM i Navigator or HTTP *ADMIN Server on a regular base, or often have long compile runs.
Performance hint: if you select an integer amount of assigned Core units, the dynamic option usually is not needed. If you are not sure about your
CPU configuration, contact us to find a suitable solution.
main memory GB: (€ 20 per GB)
high speed Flash-based SAN: (€ 10 per 100GB)
Flash NVME storage has better latency than HDD disks. Mixing Flash and HDD is possible, in the bespoken setup
process we can assign slow HDD to an own ASP for images or archival data. Flash will always be used for system-ASP
like operating system objects. In a bespoke setup we can mix SSD and HDD and you can get an individual ASP for cold data archival.
normal speed HDD-based SAN: (€ 8 per 100GB)
You need at least 100GB of disk storage for your LPAR. HDD disk storage is slower than flash disk storage at a cheaper price.
You can combine HDD and SSD for your environment to split "cold" and "hot" data. The system part of your environment
then will always be installed on the fastest disk option you selected (if you select to mix your disk).
All disk space is SAN based and can be changed / migrated later. For higher availability we also can mirror your
disk space on two physically separated SAN systems. Simply double the disk space you need - same type preferred.
Mirror all disks? (all hdd prices double!)
we store your environment on virtualized SAN storages which use internal RAID6.
For increased resiliency your environment can be actively mirrored onto two different SAN systems in two
separate buildings. This will result in a 1% performance decrease but your disk storage will stay online even if
a redundant SAN will fail. We will automatically install twice the amount of disks you selected and invoice
twice the price.
WDS users (€ 89 per concurrent user):
If you regular use IBM license program Rational Developer (aka WDS: STRPDM, STRSEU, Compilers etc) you need to add this option for each concurrent user,
as these LPP must be licensed with IBM by us, and you get IBM support for any questions and issues. If you only use STRPDM rarely, you
can go with zero WDS users. Note: This number is per concurrent users, i.e. how many users can work with PDM/SEU and compilers
at the same time.
backup option:
When it comes to backup your data, you have multiple options:
no backup - you must take care for copying your stuff. For example create save files and download to your PC. Not recommended for production use.
FTP backup - recommended for up to 400GB environments. Our FB400 software saves your stuff to a Server located in a different building.
The retention time defines we keep the last 7 or 31 days of backup data. Price depends on the amount of your disk storage! Please take note: FTP
backup cannot save the entire system (SAVE21) - which will be done manually by us after initial installation.
VTL backup - a virtual tape library (in a separate building) will be used in combination with BRMS backup to save your
important data. This is recommended for all environments with more than 400GB. We can negotiate on backup strategy and retention.
If you know about BRMS, you are free to change the config per your needs. One virtual tape holds up to 1.5TB of your data (compressed). For larger
environments, a bespoken configuration is recommended. VTL backup enables automated SAVE21 full system save.
Usually we save all data on a daily base, while you can work on your environment. For special needs we can define backup downtime windows or
a more complex strategy. You also might consider high availability setup.
PTF option:
Usually, you should keep your operating system current, with some exceptions:
You need to run an old release which is no longer maintained by IBM, or you first want to test
on a test system before applying PTF on the production system.
Your selection will tell us if you want to take care for PTF loading and applying on your own, or
RZKH operations will load the PTF for you (including a SAVE21 before).
You also can select silver services below and we will care for PTF on a regular base.
Service options:
You can select to include the following services in your monthly plan.
(Usually, "no service" or "bronze service" might be ok for archive, development and test environments.)
- no services - you will take care about your environment. We will be of help if there is a connectivity
issue or if you lost your main *SECADM password. All other services will be invoiced upon negotiation.
- bronze services - we will be of help in user password reset and individual firewall settings.
- silver services - we also will take care about loading PTF in the agreed PTF schedule including a manual full system backup, we
can be of help in performance questions or when a restore from backup is needed. Installation of additional IBM license program + PTF is included.
- gold services - we also take care about performance settings, systems cleanup (bespoken routines), help in questions
of configuration like printers etc. This service level usually needs individual pricing negotiation depending on your environment.
- HA setups - please contact us before selecting them. Should be setup individually.
Administrative setup services:
You can select to add the needed paperworks in the one time setup fee. As growing EU regulations result in increasing paperwork, this must be added to the one-time setup fee. Please check with your procurement department before placing your order.
- no additional documents needed - aside the general GDPR compliant templates and TOM documents you do not need more paperwork to setup the service.
- individual GDPR docs needed - due to the increasing administrative work requested by some customers for creating individual documents or fill out their forms, we need to charge the time needed for this administrative work, thanks to EU regulations...
primary language:
system name proposal:
(if free, otherwise we will contact you)